Twisted ankle

Mechanical instability arises when one or two ligaments (in the case of lateral ankle) are damaged and ineffective. Biomechanical factors affect the mechanical instability. Functional instability is described as a twisted ankle recurrent and / or a feeling of "recourse" is due to joint damage of mechanical receptors in ligaments or muscles controlling the joint density responsible for the afferent impairment (bottom) of proprioceptive reflex path.

The first step: A small strain or tearing of ligaments, the absence of signs of instability or feel a slight, slight pain, swelling and the limitation of joint movements.

Second degree: Partial rupture of ligament fibers. The low volatility. The positive symptom of the front drawer. Significant degree of pain. Clear swelling and limitation of movements.

Third degree: The total break of ligament fibers. Clearly perceptible front drawer symptom and a dislocation of ankle. Very significant swelling and pain.

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